Get Started on Your Graduate Degree Online Today!

Make a positive impact on the lives of children with special needs and become a special education teacher.

The MATX is a post-baccalaureate program designed for individuals who are seeking an alternate route to become a highly qualified special educator. The MATX program of study consists of 11 graduate level courses that are offered completely online. All participants in the program will receive a mild/ moderate special education endorsement on their teaching license. Before participants can enroll in the first internship course, they must secure a teaching position in a Mississippi public school as a special education teacher and provide a copy of their employment contract.

Every class you will need is available ONLINE! Students may begin taking courses at the start of any semester.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition per credit hour $558.50
Instructional Support Fee per credit hour $25.00

Tuition and fees listed are subject to change and do not include all possible charges. Additional fees may apply. Please refer to the master class schedule for individual course charges.

Through the program students will be eligible to receive a:

  • 3-year Class A non-renewable license (grades 7-12) after completion of EDX 6193, EDX 6813, EDX 8173, and passing scores on the Praxis CORE or 21 ACT or 3.0 GPA on last 60 hours, and Praxis Specialty Area SPED exam. If you have already completed a master’s degree, you will not be able to upgrade your license to master’s level with the 3-year license.
  • 5-year Class A renewable license (grades 7-12) after receiving a 3-year Class A non-renewable license and completing Internship I and Internship II over a period of two semesters. If you have already completed a master’s degree, you will be able to upgrade your license to master’s level after your 5-year license is issued.
  • 5-year Class AA renewable license after completing the MATX degree program (including coursework and a capstone experience).
  • Students are eligible to add K-6 to the 5-year AA renewable license with passing scores on the Foundations of Reading exam.

ALL students (degree seeking and licensure-only) MUST be admitted to the MATX program to be recommended for licensure. Students must also secure a full-time SPED teaching position in a public school before registering for Internship I and II.

What are some potential careers?

This degree is singularly focused on individuals who want a career in special education.

Who should pursue this degree?

If you’re looking to start a new career in teaching special education, this is an excellent route to take.

Good ACT score? A composite score of 21 or higher on the ACT exempts you from having to take the CORE exam. With a 3.0 GPA on your last 60 hours of coursework, the ACT and Core tests are waived.

For more information about available courses, please review our MATX Checklist.

We are not currently able to admit students living in the state of Georgia or Hawaii.

Program Structure

The Master of Arts in Special Education (MATX) is an alternate route licensure program of study that consists of 33 semester hours of graduate-level coursework and is designed for a person seeking a career as a special education teacher. MATX candidates must pass the Praxis CORE OR have an ACT Composite score of 21 OR higher or a 3.0 GPA on their last 60 hours of course work AND pass the Praxis II Specialty Area Test required for special education licensure by the Mississippi Department of Education and pass a certified background check.

Course Number Course Title Hours
EDX 8173 Special Education in the Regular Classroom 3
EDX 6193 Advanced Planning in Special Education 3
EDX 6813 Introduction to Assessment Issues in Special Education 3
EDX 8033 Supporting Students with Disabilities in STEM 3
EDX 8043 EBP Struggling Learners 3
EDX 8113 SPED Law and Research 3
RDG 6123 Elementary Literacy Instruction I 3
RDG 6143 Elementary Literacy Instruction II 3
EDX 8233 Special Education Internship I 3
EDX 8243 Special Education Internship II 3
EDX 8263 Eligibility Requirements for Students with Disabilities 3
Total Hours 33

Admissions Requirements

Please contact Stephanie Etheridge at 662.325.1999 or prior to beginning the application process.

Steps 1-5 must be completed by:

  • December 1 to be considered for spring admission.
  • May 1 to be considered for summer admission.
  • August 1 to be considered for fall admission.
  1. Hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally/nationally-accredited institution of higher learning.
  2. Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 (based on a 4.0 scale) on the last 60 credit hours of baccalaureate work.
  3. Meet the Mississippi score requirements on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests (CORE) or have a composite ACT score of at least 21 or have a 3.0 GPA on the last 60 hours of course work.
  4. Meet the Mississippi score requirements on the Praxis II Specialty Area Examination in Special Education. The Praxis II test code is 5355 (computer-based). The minimum score requirement is 139.

    For more information on the Praxis CORE and Praxis II tests:

    • Have Praxis CORE and Praxis II Special Education: Content Knowledge test scores sent to MSU and to MDE (Mississippi Department of Education). Applicants should also print a copy of Praxis Core and Praxis II scores from the ETS website for their personal records.
  5. Submit an online application to the Office of the Graduate School.
  6. Complete a background check through CastleBranch. Enter Package Code MI43 (send proof of purchase to Stephanie Etheridge).

Please note that your application will not be considered until all forms have been submitted and your application fee has been paid.

Domestic/International Classified Admissions

We are not currently able to admit students living in the state of Georgia or Hawaii.

  1. Submit online application. You will choose Master of Arts Teaching Special Education Alternate Route as your Program of Study and Online Education as your campus.
  2. Statement of Purpose - 1 page including why you want to be a special education teacher
  3. Three letters of recommendation
    • You will be asked to submit three names and three email addresses of individuals you are using as references. Once you click submit, these individuals will be sent an email from MSU, which will provide a link to an online form for completing their recommendations.
  4. International students should contact Stephanie Etheridge at before submitting an application.
  5. One official transcript showing bachelor’s degree or progress toward degree. (For international students, please submit a copy in native language along with translated copies, if appropriate.)
  6. One official transcript showing ALL work after bachelor’s degree. (For international students, please submit a copy in native language along with translated copies, if appropriate.)
    • Electronic transcripts should be sent to: Mississippi State University, Graduate School. Only one copy of an electronic transcript is required.
    • Paper Transcripts Address (USPS):
      Mississippi State University
      The Office of the Graduate School
      P.O. Box G
      Mississippi State, MS 39762
    • Physical Street Address (for DHL, Fed Ex, UPS, DHS, etc.):
      Mississippi State University
      The Office of the Graduate School
      175 President Circle
      116 Allen Hall
      Mississippi State, MS 39762
  7. Payment of $60 non-refundable application processing fee for domestic students.
  8. Once you are admitted, you will receive an email with complete instructions on registering for classes and contacting your advisor.

Be sure to submit your application when all sections are complete. Please note that your application will not be considered until all forms have been submitted, and your application fee has been paid.

Important Notes:

  • If you begin an application and forget your login and/or password, do not begin another application. Please contact the Office of the Graduate School at 662.325.7400 for assistance.
  • Complete a background check through CastleBranch. Enter Package Code MI43 (send proof of purchase to Stephanie Etheridge).
  • Admission packets are forwarded from the Office of the Graduate School to the department upon completion. The faculty uses a committee review process to review applications submitted to the MATX program. Once a decision has been made, applicants are notified of their admission status.
    • Once admitted, it is the responsibility of the student to contact Stephanie Etheridge at within one week of being admitted to the program for advisement on course enrollment.
  • For students seeking financial assistance, please note that provisionally admitted students may not be eligible for financial aid. Aid may be available after full program admission.
  • All students admitted to the MATX program must complete the departmental Graduate Student Orientation
  • Graduation from the MATX program requires the successful completion of all coursework and passing scores on the Capstone Experience. The Capstone Experience is completed during the last 6 hours of coursework or in the terminal semester.

Job Applications & Interviews

Most school districts have websites that keep updated lists of teaching vacancies. A listing of the school districts in Mississippi can be found on the Mississippi Department of Education website. You may also visit the MSU Career Center website. The Career Center offers several valuable services including resume writing guides, resume critiques, mock interviews, and job searches. Simply login to the Connections page with your NetID and password, post your resume, and look for jobs in your preferred districts.

Once you submit an application, visit the school and introduce yourself to the principal. This will give you an opportunity to make a great impression before applications are reviewed. If you are asked to an interview, prepare yourself by being able to answer the questions most frequently asked by principals:

  • How will you implement the Common Core Standards in your classroom?
  • Explain your teaching philosophy on
    1. Teaching Strategies
    2. Classroom behavior
    3. Homework
  • If you are certified in a state tested subject area: How will you help improve scores on the state subject area test?
  • What is your classroom management plan?
  • How will you help your students at the different Rtl levels?
  • If the principal walks into your classroom, what will he see?
  • You look young enough to be a high school student! How will you show your students that you are in authority and are more mature than they are?
  • How will you make sure there is effective communication between yourself, your colleagures, your principal, your students, and your parents?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What will you do if an irate parent walks into your classroom?

Contact Information

Photo of Samantha Clardy

Samantha Clardy

Enrollment & Onboarding Coach

  • General Program Questions
  • Assistance with Admissions Process & Requirements
Photo of Anusha Rijal

Anusha Rijal

Retention & Engagement Coach

  • Current Student Inquires
  • Academic & Support Services Assistance