Get Started on Your Graduate Degree Online Today!

The Master of Science degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering offers students five different concentration areas from which to choose, with both thesis and non-thesis options available. Major areas of study are industrial systems, operations research, manufacturing systems, management systems engineering and human factors and ergonomics.

Industrial and systems postgraduates work for some of the world’s top companies where an advanced degree has translated to advancing in their careers. Other have begun successful careers in academia and research.

If you have an engineering degree and are ready to learn more and have greater opportunities to advance in your workplace, an advanced degree in industrial and systems engineering can help. If you have a desire to teach in higher education, you will also find yourself well prepared by obtaining a postgraduate degree.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition per credit hour $558.50
Instructional Support Fee per credit hour $25.00

Tuition and fees listed are subject to change and do not include all possible charges. Additional fees may apply. Please refer to the master class schedule for individual course charges.

Program Structure

When applying to the M.S. program, you will be required to specify a “concentration”. These concentrations provide you with the opportunity to specialize in an area of Industrial and Systems Engineering.

See the ISE Graduate Guide for a list of each concentration and its requirements.

The selected concentration will be noted on your transcript along with the title of the degree - Masters of Industrial and Systems Engineering. If you change your mind after you are in the program, you can always change your concentration at any time by completing a “Request to Change Degree Level or Concentration” form found on the Office of the Graduate School webpage, under Admission forms. However, you will need to complete all the requirements specified for the newly selected concentration.

Program of Study Options

Beginning Fall 2022, the following new concentrations will be available as options for students in this program:


Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
MA 3113 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
IE 4613/6613 Engs Statistics I 3
Total Hours: 18

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6623 Engineering Statistics II 3
IE 6683 Machine Learning with Industrial Engineering Applications 3
IE 8623 Adv Data Analytics Complex Sys 3
At least three ISE elective courses in Data Analytics. See academic advisor for list of approved electives. 9
At least one graduate class from CSE, ECE, or Math/Stat 3
Courses to be selected by the student along with the academic advisor and graduate program committee 3
IE 8000 Thesis Research/ Thesis in Industrial Engineering 6
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
MA 3113 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
Total Hours: 18

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6623 Engineering Statistics II 3
IE 6683 Machine Learning with Industrial Engineering Applications 3
IE 8623 Adv Data Analytics Complex Sys 3
At least three ISE elective courses in Data Analytics. See academic advisor for list of approved electives. 9
At least one graduate class from CSE, ECE, or Math/Stat 3
Courses to be selected by the student along with the academic advisor and graduate program committee 9
Total Hours: 30



Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
IE 3123 Industrial Ergonomics 3
IE 4613/6613 Engs Statistics I 3
Total Hours: 18

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6773 Systems Simulation I 3
IE 6623 Engineering Statistics II 3
At Least 3 HFE ISE Courses 9
IE 8000 Thesis Research/ Thesis in Industrial Engineering 6
At least one non-HFE ISE course 3
At least one course from Mathematics (MA), Statistics (ST), or Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) 3
At least one course from a supporting area (Biological Engineering [ABE], Psychology [PSY], Kinesiology [KI], Mechanical Engineering [ME], Mathematics [MA], Statistics [ST], etc.) 3
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
IE 3123 Industrial Ergonomics 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
Total Hours: 18

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6773 Systems Simulation I 3
IE 6623 Engineering Statistics II 3
At least 3 HFE ISE Courses 9
At least two non-HFE ISE courses 6
At least two courses from Mathematics (MA), Statistics (ST), or Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) 3
At least one course from a supporting area (Biological Engineering [ABE], Psychology [PSY], Kinesiology [KI], Mechanical Engineering [ME], Mathematics [MA], Statistics [ST], etc.) 3
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
Computer Programming Proficiency    
IE 3123 Industrial Ergonomics 3
IE 3913 Engr Economy I 3
IE 4333 Prod Control Sys I 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
Total Hours: 24

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6773 Systems Simulation I 3
IE 8000 Thesis Research/ Thesis in Industrial Engineering 6
All other courses to be selected by the student along with the academic advisor and graduate program committee 21
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
Computer Programming Proficiency    
IE 3123 Industrial Ergonomics 3
IE 3913 Engr Economy I 3
IE 4333 Prod Control Sys I 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
Total Hours: 24

Program Curriculum

Description Hours
At least 15 hours of 8000-level courses selected by the student along with the academic advisor and grade program committee. 15
Other courses to be selected by the student along with the academic advisor and grade program committee. 15
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 3913 Engr Economy I 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
B.S. in engineering from an ABET-accredited program or permission from the MSE Technical Committee
Total Hours: 30

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6513 Engineering Administration 3
IE 6533 Project Management 3
IE 6573 Process Improvement Engineering 3
IE 8583 Enterprise Systems Engineering 3
IE 8913 Engineering Economy II 3
IE 8000 Thesis Research/ Thesis in Industrial Engineering 6
At least two non-MSE ISE courses 6
Course to be selected by the student along with academic advisor and graduate program committee 3
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 3913 Engr Economy I 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
B.S. in engineering from an ABET-accredited program or permission from the MSE Technical Committee
Total Hours: 6

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6513 Engineering Administration 3
IE 6533 Project Management 3
IE 6573 Process Improvement Engineering 3
IE 8583 Enterprise Systems Engineering 3
IE 8913 Engineering Economy II 3
At least two non-MSE ISE courses 6
Course to be selected by the student along with academic advisor and graduate program committee 9
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 4333/6333 Prod Control Sys I 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
Computer Programming Proficiency    
B.S. in engineering from an ABET-accredited program or permission from the MSE Technical Committee
Total Hours: 6

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6553 Industrial Quality Control 3
IE 8333 Production Control Systems II 3
IE 6773 Systems Simulation I 3
IE 8000 Thesis Research/Thesis in Industrial Engineering 6
At least two Manufacturing Systems ISE courses 6
At least two non-Manufacturing Systems ISE courses 6
Course to be selected by the student along with academic advisor and graduate program committee 3
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 4333/6333 Prod Control Sys I 3
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
Computer Programming Proficiency    
B.S. in engineering from an ABET-accredited program or permission from the MSE Technical Committee
Total Hours: 6

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6553 Industrial Quality Control 3
IE 8333 Production Control Systems II 3
IE 6773 Systems Simulation I 3
At least two Manufacturing Systems ISE courses 6
At least two non-Manufacturing Systems ISE courses 6
Course to be selected by the student along with academic advisor and graduate program committee 9
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calulus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
Computer Programming Proficiency    
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics 3
Total Hours: 15

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6733 Linear Programming 3
IE 6773 Systems Simulation I 3
IE 8000 Thesis Research/Thesis in Industrial Engineering 6
At least two OR ISE courses 6
At least two non-OR ISE courses 6
At least one course from Computer Science (CSE), Mathematics (MA), or Statistics (ST) 3
Course to be selected by the student along with academic advisor and graduate program committee 3
Total Hours: 30


Course Number Course Title Hours
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
Computer Programming Proficiency    
IE 4613/6613 Eng Statistics I 3
Total Hours: 15

Program Curriculum

Course Number Course Title Hours
IE 6733 Linear Programming 3
IE 6773 Systems Simulation I 3
At least two OR ISE courses 6
At least two non-OR ISE courses 6
At least one course from Computer Science (CSE), Mathematics (MA), or Statistics (ST) 3
Course to be selected by the student along with academic advisor and graduate program committee 9
Total Hours: 30


Admissions Requirements

Students seeking full admission into this program should apply as a classified student. Non-degree seeking students wishing to take classes offered through the Online program should apply as an Unclassified student.

Applications for the degree programs are reviewed three times a year. The application deadlines for those semesters are as follows:

  • Fall Semester – June 1
  • Spring Semester – November 1
  • Summer Semester – May 1

An applicant for admission to graduate study must hold a bachelor's degree from a fully recognized four-year educational institution that has unconditional accreditation with appropriate regional accrediting agencies. They must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate School and the Industrial and Systems Engineering program.

Regular admission to graduate study in the program requires a minimum grade point average (last four semesters of undergraduate work) of 3.00/4.00. When a student is deficient in one of the criteria cited, the student's application, nevertheless, may be considered for admission based on the strength of other materials contained in the student's application.

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) scores are NOT required for entry into this program.

Bagley College of Engineering programs may accept transfer work previously completed by the student. Transcript reviews to determine transfer or prerequisite work will be evaluated AFTER students are granted full admission. Once admitted an academic coordinator can review those transcripts for more information.

To meet admission requirements, submit a separate official final transcript from each college or university attended; faxed transcripts will not be accepted. An applicant may not ignore previous college attendance and must list all colleges attended on the application for admission. You must be in good standing at the last college or university attended

Attention International Students

International students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and score greater than 550. Detailed information regarding international applications can be found in the Graduate Catalog. Questions regarding international applications can be addressed to the Office of the Graduate School at

  • ETS is providing home testing for the TOEFL iBT test, and MSU is encouraging students to take advantage of this testing option. For those students applying who have taken the TOEFL within five years of the semester they plan to enroll and are unable to access the TOEFL iBT test from home, we will accept your previous test scores.

Admission Options

Domestic/International Classified Admissions

  1. Submit online application. You will choose Industrial and Systems Engineering as your Program of Study and Online Education as your campus.
  2. Statement of Purpose
  3. The TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for international students.
  4. Three letters of recommendation
    • You will be asked to submit three names and three email addresses of individuals you are using as references. Once you click submit, these individuals will be sent an email from MSU, which will provide a link to an online form for completing their recommendations.
  5. One official transcript showing bachelor’s degree or progress toward degree. (For international students, please submit a copy in native language along with translated copies, if appropriate.)
  6. One official transcript showing ALL work after bachelor’s degree. (For international students, please submit a copy in native language along with translated copies, if appropriate.)
    • Electronic transcripts should be sent to: Mississippi State University, Graduate School. Only one copy of an electronic transcript is required.
    • Paper Transcripts Address (USPS):
      Mississippi State University
      The Office of the Graduate School
      P.O. Box G
      Mississippi State, MS 39762
    • Physical Street Address (for DHL, Fed Ex, UPS, DHS, etc.):
      Mississippi State University
      The Office of the Graduate School
      175 President Circle
      116 Allen Hall
      Mississippi State, MS 39762
  7. Payment of $60 non-refundable application processing fee for domestic students.
    Payment of $80 non-refundable application processing fee for international students.
  8. Once you are admitted, you will receive an email with complete instructions on registering for classes and contacting your advisor

Accessing Online Courses

Accessing Course Videos

Videos recorded during our on campus class sessions are uploaded for online students to view within our online course repository.  Online students will have access to course videos within 24 hours of the on campus course completion. Students should visit Engage to access the course videos. Instructions for viewing the recordings and downloading the recordings are offered below.

View and Download Videos

Instructions for viewing classes live or downloading videos, use our video download instructions.

If you experience technical difficulties or have any questions regarding the recording or format of our lecture capture, please contact:

IT Support & Staff
Bagley College of Engineering
Mississippi State University

Contact Information

Photo of Mindy Wolfe

Mindy Wolfe

Enrollment & Onboarding Coach

  • General Program Questions
  • Assistance with Admissions Process & Requirements
Photo of Anusha Rijal

Anusha Rijal

Retention & Engagement Coach

  • Current Student Inquires
  • Academic & Support Services Assistance
Headshot of Tamra Swann

Tamra Swann


  • Distance Education Coordinator
Photo of Junfeng Ma

Dr. Junfeng Ma

Industrial & Systems Engineering

  • Graduate Coordinator
  • Associate Professor