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Admissions Process

Ready to embark on your academic journey and pursue that degree you've been contemplating, congratulations on taking this significant step! MS State Online is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way as you navigate through your chosen degree program.  We are excited to welcome you to the family. 

Whether you're considering an undergraduate, graduate, or certificate program, you're in the right place to kickstart your application process. Below, you'll find instructions tailored to each program type. If you're curious to learn more about our range of programs, simply explore the Academic Programs menu button above for further information.

Undergraduate Admissions

We understand that applying to college can seem daunting, but rest assured, we're here to guide you through every step of the admissions process for undergraduates.

  1. Application: Once you've decided on the program that's right for you, it's time to submit your application. You can easily apply online through our website. Be sure to provide all the required information and documents, including transcripts, test scores, and any additional materials specific to your chosen program.

    Admission Requirements:

    • Freshman: Full admission to Mississippi State University will be granted to high school graduates who complete the required College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) along with one of the following:
      • A minimum 2.0 grade-point average on the CPC
      • Satisfy the National Collegiate Athletic Association standards for student-athletes who are full or partial qualifiers under Division I guidelines.
      • Test-Optional: Students who choose not to participate in ACT or SAT testing will be reviewed for admissibility. This review will involve consideration of high school performance, placement testing, special interests, and skills as well as other non-cognitive factors. If a test score is submitted, MSU will superscore (highest ACT or SAT subject test scores from the same test type when scores from more than one test date are submitted.) A combination of ACT and SAT subtest scores cannot be combined to calculate a superscore.
    • Transfer
      • New Transfer (15 or more transferable hours)
        • College GPA - 2.0 cumulative GPA on all credit hours*
        • Good Academic Standing
      • New Transfer (less than 15 transferable hours)
        • College GPA - 2.0 cumulative GPA on all credit hours*
        • Good Academic Standing
        • Submit High School GPA** and ACT or SAT scores for consideration
  2. Submit Documents: After submitting your application, don't forget to send in any required documents. This may include official high school transcripts, standardized test scores (such as the ACT or SAT), letters of recommendation, and essays or personal statements.
  3. Application Fee: There is a $40 non-refundable application fee, so be prepared to make this payment when you submit your application. However, we offer fee waivers for eligible students, so be sure to check if you qualify.
  4. Stay Updated: Once your application is complete, keep an eye on your email and the admissions portal for updates from the admissions office. We'll notify you of any additional steps you need to take and inform you of our decision regarding your application.

I am ready to apply!

What if I attended MSU previously?

We’d be excited to welcome you back to MS State Online to complete your degree! All you need to do is complete the Readmission Application, and the best part! There’s no application fee. Come back and reignite your future with us!

I am ready to re-apply!

Graduate Admissions

Mississippi State University is your gateway to graduate studies. We're excited that you're considering furthering your education with us. Here's a step-by-step guide to our admissions process for graduate students:

  1. Submit Application: Once you've selected the program that aligns with your academic and career goals, it's time to submit your application. You can apply online through our website. Be sure to provide all required information and documents, including transcripts, test scores, and/or other necessary documentation listed within the application.
  2. Submit Recommenders: Three letters of recommendation are needed for applications and should be submitted electronically. Applicants should register the names and email addresses of three individuals familiar with their academic and professional background during the online application process. Once the application is submitted, each recommender will receive a URL link with instructions. Letters must be in English and, if from university staff or faculty, on official letterhead. Once submitted, applicants will receive an email notification.
  3. Write your Statement of Purpose: Applicants to Mississippi State University are required to write and upload a statement of purpose as part of the online application process. This statement plays a crucial role in admission decisions, so applicants should dedicate special attention and focus to its composition to enhance their chances of acceptance.
  4. Application Fee: There is a $60 ($80 International) non-refundable application fee, so be prepared to make this payment when you submit your application.
  5. Review Process: Once your application is complete, it will be reviewed by the admissions committee for your chosen program. This process may take several weeks, so please be patient while we carefully consider your application.
  6. Stay Updated: Once your application is complete, keep an eye on your email and the admissions portal for updates from the admissions office. We'll notify you of any additional steps you need to take and inform you of our decision regarding your application.

I am ready to apply!

What if I attended MSU previously?

We’d be thrilled to have you back at Mississippi State! If you’ve previously been involved in an MS State graduate program but haven’t enrolled in the past three semesters (excluding summers), simply request a graduate readmission form from the Office of the Graduate School. Follow the required steps, and you’ll be back on the path to achieving your academic goals in no time. Welcome back to your future at MSU!

Certificate Admissions

Admission requirements for certificate programs vary based on the specific field of study. To find out more about the application process, explore our list of certificates and choose the program you're interested in. Each certificate program's website provides detailed information on how to apply for that particular certificate.

Certificate Programs