Get Started on Your Certificate Today!

The Department of Geosciences at Mississippi State University has developed an online certificate program that crosses departmental and college boundaries to offer a program in spatial technologies. This certificate program can serve the needs of undergraduate and graduate students with various backgrounds from a variety of disciplines.

Program highlights:

  • All classes have instructors with advanced degrees who are recognized experts and real-life practitioners in their field.
  • The program can be completed in one year.
  • There is a minimum of 3 semester hours of coursework in geographical information systems, remote sensing or spatial positioning technologies and 6 additional hours of restricted electives.
  • Available at undergraduate and graduate levels

Tuition & Fees

Tuition per credit hour $558.50
Instructional Support Fee per credit hour $25.00

Tuition and fees listed are subject to change and do not include all possible charges. Additional fees may apply. Please refer to the master class schedule for individual course charges.

Who should pursue this certificate?

This certificate program can serve the needs of undergraduate and graduate students with various backgrounds from a variety of disciplines.

If your major, concentration, or emphasis area relates to Environmental Sciences, Earth Science, Meteorology, Atmospheric Sciences, Geography, Applied Science, Engineering or similar, speak to your advisor about the GIS certificate.

What are some potential careers?

Consider this certificate if you are interested in becoming a GIS Analyst, GIS Technician, Remote Sensing Analyst or something similar. This program can also enhance your skills in other professions that may require or sometimes use GIS such as geology, meteorology, forestry, emergency management, environmental science, city planning and organization, utilities management and more.

Program Structure


Required Courses (9 hours)

  • GR 4303 Principles of GIS
  • GR 4333 Remote Sensing Physical Environment
  • GR 4363 GIS Programming

Elective Courses (6 hours)

  • GR 4313 Advanced GIS
  • GR 4353 Geodatabase Design

Check course prerequites before enrolling

Fall Course Options Spring Course Options
GR 4303 Principles of GIS GR 4313 Advanced GIS
GR 4333 Remote Sensing GR 4353 Geodatabase Design
GR 4363 GIS Programming  


Required Courses (9 hours)

  • GR 6303 Principles of GIS
  • GR 6333 Remote Sensing Physical Environment
  • GR 6363 GIS Programming

Elective Courses (6 hours)

  • ECE 6413 Digital Signal Process
  • ECE 8413 Digital Spectral Analysis
  • GR 6313 Advanced GIS
  • GR 6353 Geodatabase Design

Check course prerequites before enrolling

Fall Course Options Spring Course Options
GR 6303 Principles of GIS GR 6313 Advanced GIS
GR 6333 Remote Sensing GR 6353 Geodatabase Design
GR 6363 GIS Programming  
ECE 6413 Digital Signal Process  

Admissions Process

Undergraduate Admissions

Follow the guide below to ensure that you complete all that is necessary for taking courses in the Geospatial and Remote Sensing Technologies certificate program at Mississippi State University.

  • Fill out the online Application for Admission, and submit a $40.00 (non-refundable) application fee online or by mail. You should be able to select Special Non-Degree (SND) as your application status.
  • Request official transcripts from each university or school you have previously attended. Your application will not be considered until ALL transcripts are received. The transcripts can be mailed or electronically submitted (eScripted) to the Office of Admissions and Scholarships, P O Box 6334, Mississippi State, MS 39762.
  • If you have never attended college; please only submit the following:
    • High school transcript showing graduation date.
    • ACT or SAT scores.
  • If you have attended college; please submit the following:
    • Official transcripts from each school attended.
    • ACT or SAT scores may possibly be required; NOT required if you have already earned a bachelor’s degree.
    • High school transcript; may possibly be required.

    NOTE: We recommend that you submit your online application and all necessary documentation (transcripts, application fee, etc.) prior to July 1.

  • You will receive an email of acceptance when you are officially admitted to Mississippi State University.
  • Every new student must register for Online Orientation. Students must complete orientation to be released to register by their advisor.
  • Textbooks are available 2 to 3 weeks prior to the start of classes, and can be ordered through Barnes & Noble At MSU.
  • You will be able to access Canvas on the first day of the semester. To access your courses, enter your NetID and NetPassword and click the classroom tab.

Academic Advising

After gaining admission to the university, you must contact one of your advisors to determine the courses that are most appropriate for you to take. Approximately two months prior to the upcoming semester, your advisor will send an email to your MSU email account, making course recommendations based on your program of study.

Mississippi State University uses email as its official means of communication with all MSU students. Please check your MSU email account ( daily. Information on setting up your MSU email can be found at the link for student services.

Yasma Jacobs Headshot

Yasma Jacobs


  • Academic Advisor

Geospatial Technologies Minor

The Department of Geosciences at Mississippi State University offers a minor in geospatial and remote sensing technologies. The minor can be fulfilled by completion of 12 credit hours in GIS courses.
GIS minor highlights

All classes have instructors with advanced degrees who are recognized experts and real-life practitioners in their field.
The minor can be completed along with your master’s degree.


Select four courses from the courses below to obtain the GIS minor:

Fall Courses

  •     GR 6303 Principles of GIS (offered summer and fall)
  •     GR 6333 Remote Sensing Phys Env (offered fall)
  •     GR 6363 GIS Programming (offered fall)

Spring Courses

  •     GR 6353 Geodatabase Design (offered spring)
  •     GR 6313 Advanced GIS (offered spring)

What are some potential career advantages?

Consider this minor if you would like to enhance your skills in other professions that may require or sometimes use GIS such as geology, meteorology, forestry, emergency management, environmental science, city planning and organization, utilities management and more.

Who should pursue this minor?

This minor can serve the needs of graduate students with various backgrounds from a variety of disciplines.

GIS Minor Request

Any current graduate student interested in earning a Geospatial Technologies (GIS) minor through MSU Geosciences Online Education Department can submit an official request by completing and submitting a GIS Minor Request Form.

By completing the request form, you are officially requesting to declare a minor in GIS along with your graduate degree from MSU.

*A committee request form will be required during your final 1-2 semesters in the graduate program

Certificate Request

Students who have completed the 15-hour Geospatial and Remote Sensing (GIS) certificate program must submit the form below to request their certificate. Once requested, we will verify that you have met all program requirements and request that your GIS certificate be printed. Please allow 2 - 3 weeks for your certificate to arrive at the mailing address you provide below.

Faculty and Staff

Photo of Samantha Clardy

Samantha Clardy

Enrollment & Onboarding Coach

  • General Program Questions
  • Assistance with Admissions Process & Requirements
Photo of Joy Bailey

Joy Bailey

Retention & Engagement Coach

  • Current Student Inquires
  • Academic & Support Services Assistance
Michael Brown Headshot Photo

Dr. Michael Brown


  • Graduate Coordinator
Yasma Jacobs Headshot

Yasma Jacobs


  • Academic Advisor