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Electrical Engineering is the most varied branch of engineering concerned with the design, development, and practical application of electrical devices and systems, and with the use of electrical energy. From cyber security, smart-phones, and robotics to satellite communications, renewable energy, and smart grid technologies, electrical engineers have found a way to create innovative connections and integrate these technologies into today’s lifestyle. The challenge of the future is limitless.

The curriculum in electrical engineering has a foundation based on the principles of the electrical and physical sciences and uses mathematics as a common language to facilitate the solution of engineering problems. The core curriculum consists of a sequence of courses in digital devices, circuits and electronics, electromagnetic field theory, and modern energy conversion. In the senior year, students have the opportunity to take additional course work in one or more technical areas that include telecommunications, electromagnetics, power systems, high voltage, feedback control systems, microelectronics, signal processing, and computer systems. Supporting course work outside electrical engineering consists of a strong background in mathematics, physical sciences, computer programming, social sciences, fine arts, and humanities.

Computers are used extensively throughout the curriculum, and students are expected to become proficient in higher-order programming languages and several application software tools. In addition, the concept of design is stressed throughout the program to emphasize the problem-solving skills of the engineer through the introductory and capstone design courses.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition per credit hour $419.00
Instructional Support Fee per credit hour $25.00

Tuition and fees listed are subject to change and do not include all possible charges. Additional fees may apply. Please refer to the master class schedule for individual course charges.

Degree Requirements

To graduate with the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree:

  • Students must complete the required 128 credit hours.
  • To move forward through the curriculum, some courses have pre-requisite grade requirements. See flowcharts linked here.
  • Students must have a 2.0 overall GPA, 2.0 MSU GPA, 2.0 program GPA, and a 2.5 ECE/CSE GPA.

Transfer Credit

  • Students may transfer up to 64 hours from an accredited community college. AOP 12.11
    • Any course planned to be transferred in and applied to the program of study will need to have a syllabus on file to be reviewed for applicability.
  • Once admitted, any future courses planned to take at from another institution should be pre-approved to ensure transferability/applicability to the program. BCOE Off Campus Course Request
  • A minimum of 32 hours at the Junior and Senior levels (3000 and 4000) must be taken at Mississippi State University. AOP 12.11
  • Transfer students must have an average GPA of 2.00 to be admitted.
  • Upon admission to the university, the Registrar's Office will evaluate transfer credit to determine how it transfers to Mississippi State University.

Program Structure

  • Course materials such as exercises, assignments, study guides, exams, and lectures will be delivered via the Internet using Canvas. Canvas is the university’s learning management system.
  • Students will receive a course supply list for labs in lieu of lab kit fees.
  • Students are required to purchase a student license of MatLab and Simulink. This is a one-time purchase that will last as long as you are enrolled as a student.

Core Curriculum

All students who enter MSU must meet the common core curriculum requirements as set by the Board of Trustees, Institutions of Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi to qualify for any bachelor's degree.

  • English Composition (6 hours)
  • Fine Arts (3 hours)
  • Humanities (6 hours)
  • Social Sciences (6 hours)

Required Courses

Below are the required courses for the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program. Please note that any required parts needed for a course are listed in table.

Math and Basic Science
MA 1713 Calculus I 3
MA 1723 Calculus II 3
MA 2733 Calculus III 3
MA 2743 Calculus IV 3
MA 3113 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
MA 3253 Differential Equations I 3
IE 4613 Engineering Statistics I 3
CH 1213* Chemistry I* 3
CH 1211* Investigations in Chemistry I* 1
PH 2213* Physics I* 3
PH 2223* Physics II* 3
  Total Hours 31
Engineering Topics
CSE 1284 Introduction to Computer Programming 4
CSE 1384 Intermediate Computer Programming 4
CSE 2383 Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms 3
ECE 1013 Introduction to ECE Design I 📄 Required Parts 3
ECE 1022 Introduction to ECE Design II 📄 Required Parts 2
ECE 3423 Circuits I 3
ECE 3421 Circuits I Lab 📄 Required Parts 1
ECE 3433 Circuits II 3
ECE 3244 Electronics I 📄 Required Parts 4
ECE 3443 Signals and Systems 3
ECE 3313 Electromagnetics I 3
ECE 3323 Electromagnetics II 3
ECE 3614 Fundamentals of Energy Systems 📄 Required Parts 4
ECE 4512 EE Design I 📄 Required Parts 2
ECE 4522 EE Design II 📄 Required Parts 2
ECE 3714 Digital Devices and Logic Design 📄 Required Parts 4
ECE 3724 Microprocessors 📄 Required Parts 4
EM 2413* or ME 3513* Engineering Mechanics I* or Thermodynamics I* 3
EE technical electives - 4 3-hour upper level ECE 4xxx Technical Electives are required 12
Engineering Science elective - IE 3913 Engineering Economy 3
Professional Enrichment elective - may be additional Engineering Science Elective, Technical Elective or other approved option planned with advisor. 3
    Total Hours 73
Writing Requirement
GE 3513 Technical Writing 3
  Total Hours 128

* Not available online through Mississippi State University. A transferrable equivalent course will need to be taken through another institution.

ECE Lab Required Parts

Course Rotation

Listed below is the course schedule for the Electrical Engineering core courses. The courses are offered only during the semester under which they are listed.

ECE 1013 Intro to ECE Design I ECE 1022 Intro to ECE Design II ECE 3244 Electronics I
ECE 3423 Circuits I + ECE 3421 Circuits I Lab ECE 3433 Circuits II ECE 3443 Signals and Systems
ECE 3313 Electromagnetics I ECE 3614 Fund. Of Energy Systems ECE 3323 Electromagnetics II
ECE 3714 Digital Devices ECE 3724 Microprocessors  
ECE 4512 Capstone Design I ECE 4522 Capstone Design II  



Admissions Process

The Bagley College of Engineering has admission requirements beyond the minimums set by Mississippi State University. Students applying must meet minimum admission requirements either through the Freshman ACT/SAT requirements or the transfer requirements.

Bagley College of Engineering programs may accept transfer work previously completed by the student. Transcript reviews to determine transfer or prerequisite work will be evaluated AFTER students are granted full admission. Once admitted an academic coordinator can review those transcripts for more information.

To meet admission requirements, submit a separate official final transcript from each college or university attended; faxed transcripts will not be accepted. An applicant may not ignore previous college attendance and must list all colleges attended on the application for admission. You must be in good standing at the last college or university attended.

New Admissions

If you have never attended Mississippi State University, please complete the online Undergraduate Admissions Application. All new admits will pay a non-refundable application fee online.

  • You will choose Electrical Engineering (BS) as your major and Online Education as your campus.
  • Request that official ACT or SAT scores be sent to MSU.
  • Request that your high school send your official transcript. Faxed transcripts will not be accepted.
  • Submit a separate official final transcript from each college or university attended; faxed transcripts will not be accepted. An applicant may not ignore previous college attendance and must list all colleges attended on the application for admission. You must be in good standing at the last college or university attended.
  • If you are able to submit official transcripts and other documentation electronically, you may send them to
  • If you are unable to submit official transcripts and other documentation electronically, you may send them via U.S. Postal Service to:
    Office of Admissions & Scholarships
    P.O. Box 6334
    Mississippi State, MS 39762

Academic Advising

After gaining admission to the university, you must contact your assigned advisor to determine the courses most appropriate to take. Before the upcoming semester, your advisor will send an email to your MSU email account, making course recommendations based on your program of study.

Mississippi State University uses email as its official means of communication with all MSU students. Please check your MSU email account ( daily. Information on setting up your MSU email can be found at the link for student services.

All programs of study are subject to review by the Registrar's Office for graduation, even from a signed program of study. Courses that do not equal MSU courses exactly may or may not apply to your program as core courses. You can see these course translations through the DegreeWorks report found at To access the report, log into your myState account and click on the "hamburger" icon in the top left corner in order to access the Banner tab; click or hover over the myBanner for Students tab in order to view the Academic Records column where you can click on the DegreeWorks link.

Headshot of Kylie Crosland

Kylie Crosland

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Undergraduate Program Coordinator

Accessing Online Courses

Accessing Course Videos

Videos recorded during our on campus class sessions are uploaded for online students to view within our online course repository.  Online students will have access to course videos within 24 hours of the on campus course completion. Students should visit Engage to access the course videos. Instructions for viewing the recordings and downloading the recordings are offered below.

View and Download Videos

Instructions for viewing classes live or downloading videos, use our video download instructions.

If you experience technical difficulties or have any questions regarding the recording or format of our lecture capture, please contact:

IT Support & Staff
Bagley College of Engineering
Mississippi State University

Contact Information

Photo of Mindy Wolfe

Mindy Wolfe

Enrollment & Onboarding Coach

  • General Program Questions
  • Assistance with Admissions Process & Requirements
Photo of Anusha Rijal

Anusha Rijal

Retention & Engagement Coach

  • Current Student Inquires
  • Academic & Support Services Assistance
Headshotof Kylie Crosland

Kylie Crosland

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Headshot of Tamra Swann

Tamra Swann


  • Distance Education Coordinator